Inflammation of the prostate or chronic prostatitis are fairly common and common urological diseases. According to medical research, about 90% of men after 35-45 years of age face this nasty disease.

Who is in danger?
At risk are those men who lead an unhealthy lifestyle: inactivity, overweight, sedentary lifestyle. The disease is due to the fact that in men who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, the circulation (circulation) in the pelvic region is disturbed. Then there is stagnation of blood in the reproductive system, which leads to the development of prostatitis. During the development of prostatitis, the prostate also increases, so the level of urine that remains in the body increases and poisons men's health.
Types of diseases
The types of chronic prostatitis are: bacterial and nonbacterial.
Bacterial prostatitis (acute)
This is a type of disease in which the main cause is a bacterial infection. The manifestation of the disease and its symptoms always appear unexpectedly. This type of disease is very serious and requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. In some cases, the patient is offered hospitalization. This type of disease most often affects middle-aged and younger men.
Bacterial prostatitis (chronic)
This type of disease is caused by bacterial microorganisms that do not act as hostile as in the acute form of the disease. Usually there are no special symptoms of the disease or the symptoms appear very slowly and for a long time.
Reasons for the development of chronic prostatitis
The main causes of the development of the disease are bacteria that enter the prostate with urine (through the urinary tract). Bacteria cause both chronic bacterial and acute bacterial prostatitis.
Chronic prostatitis is not contagious, it cannot be contracted through sexual contact (sexual contact). There are some factors that increase the percentage of chances of developing this disease.
Development factors include:
- Problems with the development of the urinary system.
- Bladder catheterization.
- Early infection of the genitourinary system.
- Symptoms of chronic prostatitis.
Every man experiences different symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, but there are similar symptoms in its main manifestation.
Bacterial prostatitis (acute) is manifested by bright and acute symptoms, occurs suddenly, usually scares a man and he immediately goes to the clinic.
Acute prostatitis, characteristics of symptoms:
- Pain during urination.
- Fever (possible shivering).
- Feeling full bladder even after emptying.
Chronic prostatitis has similar symptoms, but is less acute than acute prostatitis.
Chronic prostatitis, characteristics of symptoms:
- Frequent urge to empty the bladder;
- Temporary (periodic) testicular pain;
- bladder pain;
- Pain in the lumbar region (lower back);
- Pain during ejaculation;
- During the palpation examination, the manifestation of pain and probing of the prostate swelling is possible.
Diagnosis of the disease: chronic prostatitis
In order to exclude other diseases of the genitourinary system, an accurate diagnosis should be made by a qualified doctor in the clinic. Often, with different diseases of one of the body's systems, there are similar symptoms, so do not engage in independent research and self-medication, but immediately at the first symptoms consult a doctor.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, there are different examination methods. After all, prostatitis can manifest with symptoms similar to cystitis, adenoma or urethritis.
During the study, the doctor examined the rectum with the help of fingers (in medical gloves) treated with Vaseline. This type of examination is called a rectal examination. The prostate is palpable through the wall of the rectum, as well as in front of it (in front of the rectum). Using this method, the doctor will be able to determine whether the prostate is enlarged and whether its pain is manifested during the study.
If a man has chronic prostatitis, then palpation examination will cause the patient only temporary pain and minimal discomfort, which will pass very quickly.
Is the advanced form of chronic prostatitis dangerous?
In most cases, men ignore some of the symptoms of the disease, which worsen the further development of prostate inflammation. Such "careless" treatment of one's own health can lead to a decrease in normal hormone production in the male body, and problems with the hormonal background can lead to a decrease in a man's libido (sexual desire). It is also possible to develop problems with erectile function. Together, these diseases are very difficult to cure.
Inflammation of the prostate slows down the normal production of secretions, so the sperm lose activity. The most common consequences of advanced chronic prostatitis are infertility and decreased potency.
Effective treatment for prostatitis
Treatment methods depend on the form of inflammation and the type of prostatitis.
Drug treatment
During the diagnosis of bacterial prostatitis (acute), the doctor can prescribe antibiotics to the patient for about two weeks. If the prostatitis has progressed, the patient can be hospitalized and given intravenous injections.
If the patient has difficulty urinating, the doctor may prescribe a catheter (urethral) connection. In many cases, bacterial prostatitis is treated in this way.
If the patient has chronic bacterial prostatitis, then antibiotic treatment can last from one to three months. This type of treatment is very effective, in many cases patients recover completely.
If the disease or its symptoms return after treatment, the doctor may change the approach to treatment, such as using other pills or prostate massage.
Effective treatment of chronic prostatitis largely depends on the timely care of the clinic.
Prostate massage
Men do not like prostate massage treatments, because the whole process is very unpleasant. It is worth mentioning that by choosing a good specialist, you can avoid all the unpleasant moments and sensations during a prostate massage. Massage refers to those methods that give a tangible result almost immediately.
Prostate massage has many positive aspects, and one of the main ones is that massage increases blood flow to the prostate. It also increases muscle tone, frees prostate ducts, reduces inflammation, is antibacterial in nature and enhances the effect of other treatments.
In chronic prostatitis, massage is necessary!
Traditional medicine includes many ways to treat prostate problems, but the effect occurs many times and is not as effective as during drug treatment.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis with traditional medicine has no side effects. The best recipes include treating prostatitis with chestnut peel and propolis.
To treat prostatitis chestnut shells need warm water that is poured into chestnut shells, after which they insist a little and take an infusion like tea.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis with propolis is a very popular method. Due to the rich composition of propolis, prostate problems can be cured at the first symptoms of their manifestation. Special rectal suppositories with propolis, which have an antibacterial effect, are used for treatment.
You can also use a special tincture of propolis that has an antibacterial effect and eliminates the symptoms of chronic prostatitis.
special diet
In order for the treatment of prostatitis to be effective, attention should be paid to the patient's diet. During the treatment of chronic prostatitis, the wrong way of life should be abandoned, especially tobacco and alcohol.
A man should include more fruits, vegetables, berries, special teas (herbal tinctures), as well as fermented dairy products in his diet. Heavy foods should be abandoned: smoked foods, fatty foods, carbonated beverages, ready-made foods, fast food.
To choose the right food during treatment, you can contact a doctor who will suggest or prescribe a special diet.
Men should undergo vitamin therapy (drink a course of vitamins), as well as enrich their body with essential trace elements.
sports treatment
As mentioned earlier, prostatitis most often develops in those people who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. To maintain good male health, you should run or walk a lot. Running and walking improve blood circulation and blood flow to the genitals. Such optimal physical activity will have a favorable effect on a man's health.
Men should exercise in the morning, these can be light exercises and active squats. The older a man gets, the more time he needs to dedicate to his health and sports. The fact is that the entire male reproductive system depends on the general state of male health, but also on the normal hormonal background. And, as you know, sport actively participates in the normal production of the hormone testosterone, which is the basis of men's sexual health. Sport activates all processes in the body and increases the production of the male hormone testosterone.
Psychological treatment
In the treatment of prostatitis, the mental mood of the person is important. If a person is positive about the fact that he will recover soon, then that will most likely happen. But if a person doubts in his thoughts his recovery, then most often the treatment of any disease is delayed for a long time.
One should position oneself well, one can ask for support from those closest to oneself in such a difficult period. After all, any treatment is a little stressful. Therefore, during the treatment of chronic prostatitis, it is important to have people nearby who will raise morale and believe in a quick cure of the disease.
A man should also try not to be nervous during treatment, especially if the treatment does not give quick results. As you know, a man's psychological attitude directly affects the health of his reproductive system. Effective treatment of prostatitis is possible only with a positive mood!
Forecasts for the future after treatment of chronic prostatitis?
In most cases, chronic prostatitis responds well to treatment and has no negative consequences for a man's health.
Prostatitis develops slowly, so the main thing is not to start the development of the disease, and at the first manifestations of the disease you should consult a specialist.
Prostatitis in the initial stage responds well to treatment. It should also be noted that prostatitis has the ability to worsen problems with the genital area. Often prostatitis becomes the reason why a man loses sexual desire and lust. Men may not even be aware that they have prostate inflammation, writing off short-term symptoms due to fatigue or other reasons, so they delay treatment. Such an attitude towards one's health can have the most negative consequences. So try to have an ultrasound of your prostate, at least once or twice a year.
Also, men older than 40 should visit the doctor more often, check not only the prostate, but also other organs of the reproductive system. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences.