Acute prostatitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease that covers the tissues of the prostate, causing extensive swelling and the appearance of purulent foci. The disease can manifest in different ways, depending on the stage of its development. Therefore, an integrated approach is needed for its accurate diagnosis. Treatment of acute prostatitis is most often based on medication and physiotherapy techniques.

Alcoholism can cause acute prostatitis.
The disease most often develops in men older than 30 years. In most cases, the disease develops due to the negative impact of pathogenic microflora on the male body. Thus, acute prostatitis in men can be triggered by the activity of the following microorganisms:
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli;
- klebsiella;
- enterococcus;
- Proteus.
Most of the above microorganisms are constantly in the human body until inflammation is noticed. If such bacteria enter the tissues of the prostate, then the process of their active reproduction begins, as a result of which serious inflammation develops in the prostate.
Bacteria can enter the genitourinary system during unprotected sex. Therefore, it is very important that people who do not have regular sexual partners use condoms.
Inflammation can also be non-infectious in nature, developing for the following reasons:
- obesity;
- inactive lifestyle;
- infrequent sexual intercourse;
- significant hypothermia;
- termination of relationship;
- eating disorders;
- smoking and alcohol abuse.
These factors create fertile ground for stagnation of prostate secretion. At the same time, stagnant bloodshed is recorded in vessels located in the immediate vicinity of the organs.
With a significant accumulation of prostate secretion, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. As a result, an inflammatory process develops. The latter is capable of causing a number of complications, such as:
- BPH;
- abscesses;
- oncological process.
Bitan!Against the background of acute prostatitis, most men develop problems with potency and there is a risk of infertility.
Thus, in the risk group for the development of this disease are people who:
- there is no regular sex life;
- lack of physical activity;
- there are bad habits.
Shapes and phases

If you have symptoms of prostate discomfort, you should go to the hospital immediately.
In modern medicine there are three main stages of this disease. Let's look at them in more detail:
- The first stage is called catarrhal.It is characterized by the appearance of a primary inflammatory process with the appearance of edema of glandular tissue, the expansion of the acinus. In this case, the prostate enlarges. If the disease is not treated, then the inflammation gradually spreads to the excretory ducts of the prostate, connected to the back of the urethra. Inflammation of the prostate canal gradually narrows and clogs them, as a result of which the process of secreting prostate secretions is somewhat difficult. In the catarrhal phase of its development, the inflammatory process covers only the layers of the mucosa.
- This is followed by the follicular stage of the disease.It is characterized by further progression of the inflammatory process, in which the remaining tissues of the organs are gradually involved. As a result, an acute form of bacterial prostatitis developed. Pus is present in the analysis of urine at this stage of disease development. However, despite the damage to a significant number of tissues, the follicular form of prostatitis responds well to treatment.
- The last stage is called parenchymal.It is characterized by a destructive change in prostate tissues. At the same time, the swelling gradually increases, and the inflammatory process eventually covers the entire organ. If the development of the disease reaches this stage, then the treatment process is very complicated and requires radical measures. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, chronic prostatitis can develop.
In the initial stage of development of this disease, the subacute stage is usually distinguished. It is characterized by low severity of signs, which is explained by low pathogen activity. The disease can be at this stage for a long time if the patient's body has good resistance. At the same time, it is very difficult to diagnose the disease in the subacute phase, which is why most patients do not receive timely treatment.
Each of the forms of this disease is characterized by its own symptom. Therefore, you should consider them separately.
Catarrhal form

This form of the disease is characterized by frequent desires to walk for small needs.
If the infection has reached the excretory duct, then this phase of the disease develops. But, despite the fact that the inflammatory process does not go beyond the mucosa, the prostate enlarges and swells. In this case, the urethra is compressed.
The symptoms of acute prostatitis at this stage are mild:
- due to canal compression, the patient may notice minor problems urinating;
- at night the urge to urinate becomes more frequent;
- possible increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
- when the patient is in a sitting position, he may feel a certain heaviness in the perineum.
In some cases, the catarrhal form occurs without severe hyperthermia.
The symptoms of the disease may disappear on their own after a few weeks after development. And most patients in this case do not go to the doctor. However, it is burdened by the transition of the disease to a chronic state. Provided that treatment of acute prostatitis is started in a timely manner, the disease resolves after 10 days.
Follicular form
If the catarrhal stage has not been treated, then the disease further develops, affecting individual lobes of the organ. In this case, severe symptoms appear:
- sharp pains observed during urination;
- the patient's body temperature is maintained at about 38 degrees;
- dull pain appears in the perineum radiating to the penis;
- the process of urination is complicated;
- the patient has difficulty performing defecation due to the presence of severe pain.
Because this stage is characterized by a purulent lesion of the prostate, pus threads may be observed in the patient's urine. Provided that the therapy is carried out on time, a complete cure of the disease at this stage occurs in less than two weeks after the start of the procedure.
Parenchymal form
It is also called diffuse. Since the inflammatory process covers the entire organ, the following symptoms occur:
- Perineal pain becomes almost unbearable. They occasionally move to the glans penis. It is possible to relieve pain in the supine position when the patient presses both legs to the chest.
- Foreign body sensation in the rectum. There is significant pain in the stool. Constipation becomes more frequent, and if the inflammatory process turns into a reactive form, then the secretion of mucus begins from the anus.
- There are serious problems with urination. In this case, both partial and complete urinary retention is possible.
- Body temperature can reach 40 degrees. The patient suffers from chills.

A number of different studies will be needed to make a definitive diagnosis.
This disease is diagnosed by a specialist urologist who conducts a comprehensive study that includes the following types of procedures:
- review;
- instrumental research;
- laboratory research.
During the initial examination of the patient, the specialist palpates the gland. This must be done very carefully, avoiding massaging movements and strong pressure. Otherwise, you can give the patient significant discomfort.
The main diagnostic method is the study of the prostate, performed by inserting a probe into the rectum. This procedure allows professionals to obtain the following information:
- determine the response to pain;
- identify the main foci of destruction;
- confirm or deny signs of purulent tissue fusion;
- assess the shape of the organ and its symmetry, size and consistency.
As a rule, palpation of the prostate highlights the secret of this organ. Its analysis allows you to accurately determine the presence of an inflammatory process. During the research, the number of leukocytes, amyloid bodies and other components is checked.
- bacterial culture of urine and urethral secretions with antibioticogram;
- PCR scraping studies;
- sowing blood to draw blood.
The nature and severity of dysuric disorders in the acute course of the disease are assessed using uroflowmetry.
Ultrasound of the prostate with moderate pain syndrome can be reported transrectally, and in case of a strong pain reaction - transabdominally. The shape, size of the gland, the presence of focal or diffuse changes are assessed echoscopically, and the stage of the acute inflammatory process is determined.
When surgery for destructive forms of acute prostatitis is planned, it is desirable to perform magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic region.
Treatment of diseases
The main method of treating acute prostatitis is etiotropic therapy. It is based on the timely appointment of antimicrobial drugs to the patient, which will prevent further development of pathogenic microflora in the pelvic organs. In addition to medication, the patient is prescribed folk remedies and physiotherapy procedures. A balanced diet plays a significant role in the treatment of acute prostatitis.
Treatment of acute prostatitis must include removal of the infection that caused the inflammation. In addition, the task of therapy is to eliminate stagnation and normalize the process of blood circulation.
In most cases, outpatient treatment is used for patients with acute prostatitis. If the patient has a parenchymal form of the disease, then he is subject to hospitalization.
Treatment of acute infectious prostatitis includes mandatory intake of antibiotics. In this case, the duration of treatment is determined by the specialist, just like the medication used.
Antibiotics of different groups are active against different microorganisms. Therefore, professional treatment is carried out only on the basis of a thorough diagnosis. This way, the doctor will be able to choose exactly the medicine that will be effective against a certain pathogen. Usually treatment is performed with drugs of these groups:
- fluoroquinolones;
- penicillins;
- macrolides.
The former are considered the most efficient. For this reason, they are most commonly used in the treatment of acute prostatitis.
Although antibiotics are the main drug, they are not the only drugs used for acute prostatitis. Patients are specifically prescribed antihistamines and gut-acceptable bacteria.
It is very important to stimulate the immune system at all stages of the treatment of acute prostatitis. For this reason, immunostimulatory drugs are prescribed to patients.
In addition to the above agents, interferons are used to treat acute prostatitis. Such drugs can be taken in the form of tablets and by intramuscular injection. The latter option is considered more desirable.
Under the condition of properly selected treatment of acute prostatitis with drugs, the severity of the symptoms of this disease is significantly reduced. The following physiotherapeutic techniques are used to consolidate the obtained results:
- Microwave and UHF therapy;
- rectal electrophoresis;
- prostate massage.
Folk remedies

Many experts claim that curing acute prostatitis with traditional medicine alone is impossible. In addition, such self-medication can greatly aggravate the disease, leading to a number of complications. In this case, folk recipes can be used only as an adjunct to official medicines. In addition, many pharmaceutical drugs are produced from different plants.
As a rule, with the acute form of prostatitis, patients are prescribed various infusions and decoctions. They should be taken orally or used to obtain a healing solution while bathing. The most effective in this case are the following plants:
- chestnut;
- mother and stepmother;
- horsetail;
- Oak bark;
- chamomile.
Diet food
The key to treating acute prostatitis is a balanced diet. The inclusion of certain products in the patient's weekly menu is based on the severity of his illness. However, regardless of the stage of the disease, the following foods should be excluded from the diet for some time:
- smoked meat;
- fried foods;
- conservation;
- strong tea and coffee;
- alcoholic beverages;
- spicy and salty foods;
- fatty fish and meat.

Sports activities are very useful for the prevention of prostate disease.
Prevention of acute prostatitis includes timely removal of the inflammatory process. To do this, it is necessary to treat bacterial, fungal and viral diseases in a timely manner. At the same time, all medical manipulations associated with endourethral or endovesical examinations must be performed in accordance with appropriate aseptic rules.
Effective prevention of acute prostatitis is based on the following principles:
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Genital hygiene.
- Have a regular sex life.
- Systematic physical activity and walks in the fresh air.
- Rejecting bad habits.
- Normalization of diet.
Periodic prostate massage can be an excellent prevention of a number of urological diseases.
If you notice the first signs of prostatitis, do not hesitate - you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible. This will help the disease heal faster and prevent a number of negative consequences.