Chronic prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate, characterized by organic tissue changes and functional disorders of the prostate, male reproductive system, and urinary system.

The prostate is a tubular alveolar gland found only in men. This gland is involved in sperm production and is located below the bladder around the beginning of the urethra. Chronic prostatitis in men can occur due to an infection in the prostate from the bladder through the blood and lymph vessels of the pelvis or in another way. Although the presence of an infection may not cause illness or impotence, it usually does not go unnoticed by a man. Currently, a man notices a decrease in the hardness of the penis, sexual dysfunction during sex and urination disorders.
Chronic prostatitis does not threaten a person’s life, but it can still cause psychological distress and worsen family relationships. It should also be noted that, according to experts, chronic prostatitis, or its untimely treatment, can lead not only to the development of serious complications, but also to prostate cancer. In fact, in addition to infection, there are other factors that predispose to chronic prostatitis. However, the manifestation and exacerbation of chronic prostatitis has different specifics.
Stages of chronic prostatitis
Although there is still no single specificity for the development of chronic prostatitis, experts distinguish the following types:
- And acute bacterial prostatitis;
- II prostatitis of bacterial genesis. It is most commonly found;
- III chronic nonbacterial prostatitis is a symptomatic complex of chronic pelvic pain, which lasts more than 3 months;
- category III A is a type of inflammatory form of chronic prostatitis with increased levels of leukocytes in prostate secretion;
- III B is a non-inflammatory form of chronic prostatitis without increased levels of leukocytes and pathogens in prostate secretion;
- Type IV is diagnosed as asymptomatic chronic prostatitis, which does not cause pain, and is detected quite by accident based on the results of analysis of prostate secretion or its biopsy.
The frequency and causes of this category of chronic prostatitis are still unknown. As for the reasons for the development of other types of diseases, it should be noted here that they may be due to the penetration of various infectious microorganisms into the urethra, as well as violations of various functions in the human body.
Preventive methods of prostate inflammation
Chronic prostatitis requires long-term treatment. Therefore, it is better to follow preventive measures to avoid this. To do this, the patient will only need to adjust his lifestyle, which will not only be beneficial to the general health, but also alleviate this disease. So, first of all, the following prevention rules must be followed:
- strive to lead a healthy lifestyle;
- completely exclude spicy foods from your diet;
- do not abuse alcohol;
- playing sports, including exercise that helps strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- attend yoga classes at will;
- observe methods of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases;
- eliminate pelvic congestion and treat rectal diseases immediately;
- exclude excessive masturbation;
- try to have a regular but at the same time safe sex life;
- avoid hypothermia;
- do not sit on cold surfaces;
- warm up more often during sedentary work.
In addition to these preventive measures, men should take into account the fact that chronic prostatitis manifests itself insignificantly. Therefore, if a man notices a discharge during urination or defecation, and in addition has mild pain, then in this case it is worth consulting a doctor immediately. It is also worth remembering that the course of treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist, without neglect. In addition, the selection of drugs during antibiotic therapy is carried out according to the individual condition of the patient and only after passing special studies. The intake of prescribed medications should not be interrupted, and even more, additional medications should not be taken without a prescription. Do not delay seeing your doctor. By searching our website you can easily find a clinic that is suitable for both location and pricing policy.
Causes of prostate inflammation
Chronic prostatitis in medicine is positioned as a polyetiological disease. In addition to the penetration of the infection into the ureteral organs, it can occur and recur due to the appearance of neurovegetative and hemodynamic disorders, as well as the weakening of the immune system and autoimmune, hormonal or biochemical processes. Inflammation of the prostate can develop in the background of diseases such as:
- depression;
- neurogenic bladder dysfunction;
- reflex sympathetic dystrophy;
- inflammatory processes of nearby located organs;
- bladder neck hypertrophy;
- prostate adenoma;
- urethral stricture;
- rectal disease.
Given these factors, the risk of developing prostate inflammation is attributed to the following reasons:
- an inactive lifestyle, especially in a sitting position, leads to a disturbance in the blood supply to the pelvic organs;
- local body hypothermia;
- frequent constipation;
- irregular sexual intercourse or sudden exertion;
- chronic infections;
- previous sexually transmitted diseases. In particular, their delayed treatment;
- improper diet;
- lack of sleep;
- chronic stress.
In addition, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis can be caused by the formation of myofascial trigger points during illness, injury, and pelvic surgery.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis do not bother a man much. Inflammation of the prostate occurs suddenly. The patient may be bothered by acute pain in the perineum and groin, and may also have pain during urination and defecation, followed by discharge from the urethra. All of these signs of chronic prostatitis can be accompanied by fever, chills and fever. Most often, these symptoms are occasional. Also, chronic prostatitis can be expressed in the form of complications of sexually transmitted diseases. During the illness, the patient may feel discomfort when urinating, pain in the perineum, as well as the manifestation of urination. Chronic inflammation of the prostate leads to erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation.
The inflammatory process of the prostate moves deep into the urinary system, which can lead to cystitis and pyelonephritis. Most often, these exacerbations end in inflammation of the testicles and appendages, which leads to infertility, which requires long-term treatment. Therefore, you should not delay going to the doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment are required. It is important to remember that chronic prostatitis can be cured if the disease is not started.
Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis
As a rule, a doctor can diagnose this or that type of chronic prostatitis on the basis of complaints indicated by the patient or after an examination. First, the specialist palpates the prostate, and then recommends that the patient do a laboratory study of the urine culture tank and prostate secretions. This diagnosis allows you to determine further treatment for chronic prostatitis. In addition, the urologist can apply diagnostic methods such as:
- transrectal ultrasound, which allows you to determine the size and volume of the prostate, as well as to recognize the presence of tumors;
- determining the pressure profile in the urethra allows to detect the cause of urinary disorders and pelvic floor muscle functions;
- microscopic examination of scraping of the urethral mucosa, which helps determine the presence of certain flora that causes infectious diseases, X-ray of the prostate;
- MRI of the pelvic organs, which helps to differentiate from prostate cancer, as well as to identify non-inflammatory types of bacterial prostatitis;
- determination of the state of humoral and cellular immunity in prostate secretion. This type of research helps not only in diagnosing the category of inflammatory process of the prostate, but also in resolving the question of which method can cure chronic prostatitis.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis is considered an insidious and complex disease, the method of its treatment requires an integrated approach. Urologists use treatments such as:
- antibiotic therapy, during which drugs that destroy the hidden microorganisms of the infection are prescribed. The patient takes these medications for several weeks. In the absence of an adequate effect, antibiotics may be replaced by another group of drugs;
- physiotherapy may include exposure to electromagnetic, ultrasound and laser waves, which significantly increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy;
- magnetic laser therapy has an anticongestive effect and improves blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs;
- Transrectal prostate massage is the most painful and uncomfortable method of treatment, but at the same time the most effective. It is based on removing inflammatory secretions by squeezing with a finger;
- darsonvalization;
- drug electrophoresis;
- hormone therapy;
- transurethral electrosurgery. This method of treatment can be used only in case of complications which, in addition to violation of the process of urination or reproductive function in men, have led to the appearance of sclerosis of the prostate and bladder neck. If after the operation a worsening of the chronic inflammatory process is noticed, then in this case the patient can have all the remaining glands removed;
- immunocorrection is not only aimed at eliminating the infection, but also at completely eliminating its recurrence. This method of treatment involves the normalization of lifestyle, which includes an active lifestyle, regular walks, adherence to a daily routine and proper nutrition;
- Spa treatment.
In addition, prescribed treatment for chronic prostatitis may include a visit to an immunologist and additional special tests. Since discontinuation of this or that course of therapy does not guarantee complete destruction of the prostatitis infection, there is a possibility that it will recur. In order to cure chronic prostatitis, the patient should strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations and follow the prescribed course of treatment until the end.